the dikuw logo. dikuw stands for data, information, knowledge, understanding, wisdom
Welcome to the information age.
It's your data - what do you want to do with it?
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Past Projects

A selection of my public projects

A lovely photo showing a Jeopardy board with scoring
Simple Jeopardy clone built for use with the family. It's a react application using styled components and Firebase for data persistance.
A lovely photo on an eCommerce store front page showing banner, logo, navigation bar, and inventory
React frontend using styled components and Node with Express backend. Features protected routes using local Passport.js authentication and Stripe integration for payments. MongoDB database.
Uses React components and the useState and useEffect hooks to visualize data from the Cocktail API at
Add-In for enterprise Microsoft SharePoint sites. Features responsive design for use on mobile devices in the field. Built for a Biotech industry client to manage punchlist items on a multimillion dollar capital construction project.
Built in SPFx, the application takes data from a list in SharePoint and visualizes it in a responsive chart.
"Deviations" are formally documented events in regulated industries. This application allows the manangement of said events and includes dashboard metrics.